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Here Are the Rejected Steve Urkel Catchphrases That Pale in Comparison to ‘Did I Do That?’

Mike Myers says you can’t just make a catchphrase happen. “I’ve never designed a catchphrase. I just like how people talk,” Myers told Vulture late last year....

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HomeTechDESI Opens Access to the Largest 3D Map of the Universe Yet...

DESI Opens Access to the Largest 3D Map of the Universe Yet – Berkeley Lab News Center

Collaborators within DESI hope the experiment’s data will benefit researchers and enable those without access to large telescopes to advance their work. A major component of the data release is documentation to support other scientists, even those unfamiliar with the project, in understanding its contents. 

“We’re still discovering all the things you can do with this dataset, and we want the community to be able to try out all their creative ideas,” said Anthony Kremin, a project scientist at Berkeley Lab who co-led processing of the new data release. “There are endless kinds of interesting science you can do when you combine our data with outside information.”

The DESI DR1 paper is available on the DESI Data website and will be posted on the online repository, arXiv. Videos discussing the data release are available on the DESI YouTube channel. Members of the collaboration presented the data release alongside DESI’s newest dark energy analysis (which uses three years of data) in talks today at the American Physical Society’s Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, California.

DESI is supported by the DOE Office of Science and by the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science national user facility. Additional support for DESI is provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation; the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom; the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; the Heising-Simons Foundation; the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA); the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies of Mexico; the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain; and by the DESI member institutions.

The DESI collaboration is honored to be permitted to conduct scientific research on I’oligam Du’ag (Kitt Peak), a mountain with particular significance to the Tohono O’odham Nation.


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is committed to groundbreaking research focused on discovery science and solutions for abundant and reliable energy supplies. The lab’s expertise spans materials, chemistry, physics, biology, earth and environmental science, mathematics, and computing. Researchers from around the world rely on the lab’s world-class scientific facilities for their own pioneering research. Founded in 1931 on the belief that the biggest problems are best addressed by teams, Berkeley Lab and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes. Berkeley Lab is a multiprogram national laboratory managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. 

DOE’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit

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